Wednesday, January 26, 2011


2 Blocks Cream Cheese
2 C Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1-1/2 C Ranch Dressing
1 C Frank's Hot Sauce
2 Big Cans Shredded Chicken

Heat up on stove until all is melted (or you can put in crock pot). Sever with celery, tortilla chips, etc.

Recipe Notes:
Recipe shared by Whitney Davidson. She brought it to work and it was awesome! I had some with tortilla chips and pulled pork BBQ, which made a nice BBQ Nacho lunch!

1 comment:

JN said...

Totally incredible dip. Did I tell you I sat my pregnant self down a few weeks and literally devoured a whole batch of this stuff. Baby loved it. I loved it until heart burn came on, but totally worth it.
Frito Scoops are amazing with it.