Saturday, November 30, 2013



1 Cup Crushed Pecans
4 T Butter, melted

Mix together and pour into pie plate. Put in freezer while making chocolate layer.

Chocolate Layer
2 T Butter
1 Sq. Unsweetened Chocolate
2 T Heavy Cream
1 tsp Vanilla
1/3 C Splenda

Melt butter and chocolate in microwave on low setting for approximately 2 minutes. Mix in cream and vanilla. Add Splenda. Pour over frozen pie crust and place back in freezer.

Peanut Butter Layer
5 T Simply Jif Peanut Butter (or store brand low carb peanut butter - I use Kroger brand)
4 oz. Cream Cheese, softened
1/3 C Splenda

Mix together with blender and spread over chocolate layer. Place back in freezer.

Chocolate Whipped Topping
1 C Cool Whip
1 tsp Vanilla
1 T Cocoa

Mix together and spread on top of pie. Refrigerate.

Cut pie into 12ths for a net carb count of 5.3 carbs per serving.

Recipe Notes:
This pie was made by Kelley Myers and brought to an office luncheon and was a big hit to us LC'ers. The pie is very rich so 1/12 of a pie is more than you think. Very delicious!

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