Friday, January 19, 2007


Six cans of Great Northern white beans (no one will know so don’t tell ‘em!)
5 nice-sized chicken breasts with the skin on (no nekkid ones please!)
¾ extra large white onion, chopped (nope, not a large one)
6 garlic cloves, chopped fine (don’t cheat and use the “stuff” in the jar!)
1 7 oz. can chopped mild green chilies
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons oregano
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (be careful here!)
6 cups chicken stock (you get this for free from those not-so-nekkid chicken breasts!)
1 block of Monterey Jack cheese w/Jalapenos (if you’re the chicken, get the cheese without jalapenos!)
Optional (if you’re fussy and try to impress), you’ll need Sour cream, Salsa, and a few Tortilla Chips

Wash your chicken like it ain’t had a bath in ten years. Scrub it hard! You’ll know when you’ve washed it enough when one of your family members has to make you stop.

Put chicken breasts in large saucepan. Add cold water near top and cook until done (about 15 minutes).

Now clean and clean and clean the sinks, counter, etc.!

Remove chicken from chicken stock and let cool on cutting board. We will be using the chicken stock so don’t discard! (If you do, you’ll be sorry!).

Remove skin from chicken and cut chicken into big strips or cubes.

In 6 qt. crock pot (Don’t have one that big? Get a new one!), add six cans of Great Northern White Beans, chicken stock from saucepan, and chicken strips. Dice your onion and garlic and add to crock pot. Add green chilies, 2 tablespoons of oregano, 2 tablespoons of cumin, one tablespoon pepper, 2 tablespoons of salt, ½ tablespoon of cayenne pepper.

Cook in crock pot on low for several hours (like 5! Like 7!) for a super, great and wonderful flavor.

One hour before serving, add one block of Monterey Jack Cheese w/Jalapenos by cutting in small pieces when adding to chili. Stir. Smells yummie, eh?

Add a dollop of salsa and sour cream on top when you serve. Top with two tortilla chips!

Recipe shared by Dawn (Liz) Holt. Isn't she a hoot???

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