Saturday, January 27, 2007


1 2-liter bottle lemon-lime soda
1 2-liter Diet Rite White Grape soda
1 quart sherbet (flavor determines color)
  • One run serves about 15 people (averaging about 9 oz. per serving, which is usually the size of the punch cups at Party City).
  • I usually use store brand sherbet as well, most come in 1/2 gallon size, which means you would have to cut it in half or double the drinks if using the whole 1/2 gallon.
  • I've used raspberry (my favorite) for a pretty rose color, lime and orange work fine and are a pastel color, and pineapple goes with everything color wise--it's an off-white shade.
  • Just be sure to set the sherbet out of the freezer, usually in the fridge, to start to soften before you serve or it will be a big block floating in the punch bowl for a while.

Recipe shared by Karen Clapp. She was the social director at Central Baptist for several years and this recipe was a huge hit. It's quite yummy!

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